
Under normal circumstances, both the eyes focus on the object of interest.  In the event that one eye fails to do so, it is said to be squinting.  Sometimes this is a sign of low vision in the squinting eye – this needs work up for the underlying condition and treatment of the same.  Most often, this is due to subtle defects in the part of the brain responsible for maintaining balance between both the eyes.  Rarely, it is due to defects in the muscles surrounding the eyeball or in the nerves controlling these muscles.  The alignment of the eyes is restored by adjusting the muscles around the eye surgically.

Pediatric Cataract Surgery

Cataracts can be seen in some children from a very young age and sometimes since birth.  Other important reason for cataract in kids is trauma.  Since the eye having cataract is deprived of vision, normal visual development is hampered.  Hence cataracts in childhood have to be operated early; if there is a long delay, then the final visual outcome may not be good and the eye becomes lazy (amblyopic).  Unlike in adults, after cataract surgery in kids, additional measures like patching are required to improve the vision.

Examination under anesthesia

Some kids may not be very cooperative for examination.  Such kids will have to be examined under anesthesia.