Low vision is vision loss that can’t be corrected with glasses contacts or surgery most common cause are age related macular degeneration glaucoma and diabetes this type of vision loss does not mc head complete blindness because there is still some sight and it can sometimes be improved with the use of visual aids  low vision includes different degrees  of sight loss from blind spots poor night vision and problems  with glare to an almost complete loss of sight

Types of low vision :

  • Loss of central vision : there is a blind spot in the center of ones vision
  • Loss of peripheral vision: the inability to see anything to either side above or below eye level central vision remains impact .
  • Night blindness : the inability to see in poorly lit areas such as theatres as well as outside at night
  • Blurred vision : objects both near and far appear out of focus
  • Hazy vision : the entire field of vision appears to be covered with a film or glare

What cause low vision ?

These are usually the result of disorder or injuries affecting the eye or a disorder such as diabetes most common cause of low vision include age related macular degeneration diabetes and glaucoma low vision may also result from cancer of the eye albinism brain injury or inherited disorder of the eye including retinitis pig mentis

How is low vision diagnosed?

An eye enam by your eye care specialist can diagnose low vision you should make an appointment with difficulties are activities like travel working and school

Can low vision be treated?

Some sight disorder like diabetic retinopathy can be treated to restore or maintain vision

When this not possible low vision is permanent however many people with low vision find visual aids helpful

  • Popular low vision aids include: telescopic glasses
  • Lenses that filter light
  • Magnifying glasses
  • Hand magnifiers
  • Closed circuit television
  • Reading prisms

Some patient with retain pigment who have no useful vision may be eligible for the argul  retinal prosthesis this devices partially restore vision to patient who have lost their sight  non optical aids designed for people with low vision are also very some are tent reading software check guides alght contrast clocks watches talking watches and clock  large print publication clocks phones and watches with enlarged number.

Can low vision be prevented?

People with genetic disorder are needed to be screened & to be counseled

Acquired disorders like diabetes ARMD & glaucoma are to be treated in early stages to prevent permanent vision loss.